Karlheinz Schreiber returned to the Commons Ethics committee on Tuesday--avec ses notes! As with last Thursday's proceedings, the following is NOT a transcript, so quote at your own risk ;) Time-stamps are approximate. You can return to the beginning of this 'series,' by clicking here: Part I.
Schreiber: Then, I have here a letter from GCI to Mr. Wilfrid Hastert, dated August 6, 1986:
11:44 AM
Schreiber: "And then I had to recognize, forgive me, what I'm saying, that the government cares a shit about the security of our soldiers"..."this is where my war started and why I have made substantial enemies. I can tell you, I'm proud that they're my enemies, because if they were my friends, I would be one of the lousiest Canadians you can even think about"..."So...we come to that point one day."
Schreiber: I don't want to read out all this stuff to you. It shows this agreement, it shows you the programme. The programme was done for Mr. Frank Moores and his wife--it was 31 Jan 1988, Mr. Karlheinz Schreiber and his wife, Mr. Max Strauss, Dr. Samiyah Jalah (sp?), Sheik Muhammed Haslein (sp?), and Prince Sultan of Saudi Arabia--he was "so stupid to pay over $200 million more for armoured cars than they were supposed to do. Everybody laughs in the meantime, in Germany about it, because the Supreme Court confirms there was no fraud on the Saudis. It was a voluntary overpayment, which was diverted under their direction to those people which supported their policy (Saudi policy) during the Gulf War and later on."
***Tilson (vice-chair, CPC) wants a point of order***
Szabo (chair, LPC): Mr. Tilson, state the nature of your Point of Order.
Tilson (vice-chair, CPC): (to Szabo) You offered Mr. Schreiber to make a statement, this meeting is already 45 min along; are you telling Mr. Schreiber that he can read letters for the rest of the meeting or will you put a time limit on his opening statement like you do for other witnesses?
11:46 AM
Szabo (chair, LPC): that is not a Point of Order. I respect the intent of what you raise. We could ask questions all day long and not paint the picture that Mr. Schreiber is painting. It's in the public interest to let him continue. Mr. Schreiber, the honourable member (Tilson) is anxious to continue. I'm sure we'll be as crisp as possible, but please, take time to put what you believe is germane to the story.
Schreiber: thank you. I can satisfy the honourable member. I told you there's three projects--Airbus, Thyssen Bear Head and the helicopters. Last one I have to show...
Schreiber: Last time, you saw that I was surprised when you (gesturing to the NDP) read figures that I gave to other Canadian parties. I have to tell you again I don't have the smallest clue what you were talking about. But I think I saw a press article, got an understanding...for e.g. Thyssen Bear Head industries, the secretary of TBH is Edmond Chiasson, a lawyer, who was with Doucet in Halifax. He was a Liberal, his wife (Heather) was campaign manager for Chretien in Nova Scotia and he had these shares from Bear Head b/c I only had these "in trust" for/from Thyssen. In normal administrative business, I was not involved. We have a key witness for all of this, Mr. Greg Alford, who is in Toronto today. He was a senior VP, he handled all donations, fundraising dinners etc. He has cut a cheque for Liberals in 1993 for $10 000 from Thyssen BH Industries--just to make that connection (to the $10 000 mentioned by Mulcair in Thursday's hearing). Mr. Alford used to be a VP for GCI and Moores was like a Godfather to him; Moores had property dealings with Alford. Alford later on also the man who incorporated Spaghettissimo, the pasta company, and later became president of pasta-machine company. So...Alford can answer all questions related to the pasta business.
11:50 AM
Schreiber: Also, I found this remarkable: in Germany, I had to hand over, under this Saudi Programme, 1 Million to the treasurer of the Christian Social Union. To my great surprise, one day this $1 Million "just disappeared." So, the Chartered Accountant and other people "just stole the money." The same happened to another donation to Dr. (Schäuble?), the now Minister of Interior Affairs and now the money has simply disappeared. So now there's this money missing.
Schreiber: In 1993, $30 000 which I donated to the PC party is NOT on your list. I gave it in cash to the brother of Jean Charest for his leadership convention.
Schreiber: yes, Jean Charest. To defeat Kim Campbell. So, I thought to connect this, we have an understanding about the payments; any other payments...then, I had prepared...oooh, in the detention centre I must have had some blackouts...I didn't know how much material I had already prepared as a basis for something like this coming. So, I have here for you...this is my correspondence with Mr. Mulroney (holds up an enormous binder, ~3" thick)
(Schreiber passes on the binder)
11:53 AM
Schreiber: I like that you laugh at me, because I WANTED this to come out (he has a serious gleam in his eyes here). "This is why somebody wanted to kidnap me and kick me out of the country"..."You stopped that, so what the hell you expect me to do with you today?!" (holds up another enormous 3" binder) "Here is all the correspondence with Mr. Harper. Here you go!" (now holds up two Cerloxed volumes, absolutely massive) "And when I sent letters to Mr. Harper, I attached these two volumes...So he has a chance to read everything that went on in this country since 1995 and earlier." (pounding his finger on one of the books for effect) "So now you tell me I'm not cooperative with the Canadian government?! (to the Conservatives) "Don't make me laugh!"
Schreiber: next thing, my affidavit. Give it with all the exhibits. Then, I brought for you...
***interruption*** "Keep'm coming" (not clear who this is, among the CPC)
Schreiber: This is my last letter to Stephen Harper, referring to the Political Justice Candidate Abuse of Public Trust, Germany's Breach of International Law, with all attachments. "So, now I'm somewhat feeling like a beggar, I'm empty, at least for the moment"..."I do not know if it's a Christmas gift for all of you and for Canadians or whether it's a burden. But for sure it will help you to prepare for the right and perhaps special questions."
Schreiber: "There is no other mythical agreement" about all of these documents. (Schreiber says he has 3 lawyers in Canada, 3 in Germany and 3 in Switzerland, laughing). "This, what you got today is a basis and if you're not satisfied...just let me know...One thing is left: the questions from last time. You want it today (his list of responses to last Thursday's questions)?" (holds up his sheets with the answers)
Szabo (chair, LPC): thank you for being cooperative. Understand that you wanted to tell your story. "That's a wonderful Xmas gift to us." "I want to give you a small Xmas gift back"..."just been advised that you have received bail."
Schreiber: (happy to come home to his wife, later tonight...looks very weepy)
Coming up next: Part IV ("'Helpful Donations' and that Dirty, Dirty Liberal Airline"), or Return to Part II ("To Sir, With Love")
Photo Credit: Spaghettissimo (where else would I get such a thing?)
Saudis, Pasta, and the Unstoppable Kim Campbell
Schreiber: Then, I have here a letter from GCI to Mr. Wilfrid Hastert, dated August 6, 1986:
Dear Mr. Hastert,Schreiber: So that is where I came in, under request of the Canadian Embassy, asking me to bring jobs and bring business to Nova Scotia, to the Straight of Canso, where a heavy water plant, the Gulf refinery had been shut down, it was the constituency from Allan MacEachen at the time. Then, Mulroney made this remarkable speech, "Nova Scotians, I have three things for you: jobs, jobs, jobs." So, to create jobs and keep jobs is everything I do. I don't understand anything else. "But jobs mean business and business means industrial contracts"..."Industrial contracts mean you have to retain them somewhere. That is the basis for jobs, for income, for taxes, whatever"..."and there you have a fantastic family: you have politicians, unions and all in one boat." I'm sure you all have the same problem--jobs for constituents. It was the most exciting job in my life. Peacekeeping equipment and environment protection, all under "the Maple Leaf of Canada"..."show me a better export product in this world"..."The Canadian soldiers and generals worked with me like hell" and Thyssen spent money on and on and we quietly designed the most sophisticated equipment with them.
(Re: proposed manufacturing facilities at Bear Head, Nova Scotia)
Some considerable time has passed since your first visit to Canada to investigate potential investing here. I feel that it is useful to provide you with a brief summary of the efforts towards this project today, so that we may recognize the remaining priorities to bring the proposed facility into reality. Please find the attached memo.
(from, GCI)
11:44 AM
Schreiber: "And then I had to recognize, forgive me, what I'm saying, that the government cares a shit about the security of our soldiers"..."this is where my war started and why I have made substantial enemies. I can tell you, I'm proud that they're my enemies, because if they were my friends, I would be one of the lousiest Canadians you can even think about"..."So...we come to that point one day."
Schreiber: I don't want to read out all this stuff to you. It shows this agreement, it shows you the programme. The programme was done for Mr. Frank Moores and his wife--it was 31 Jan 1988, Mr. Karlheinz Schreiber and his wife, Mr. Max Strauss, Dr. Samiyah Jalah (sp?), Sheik Muhammed Haslein (sp?), and Prince Sultan of Saudi Arabia--he was "so stupid to pay over $200 million more for armoured cars than they were supposed to do. Everybody laughs in the meantime, in Germany about it, because the Supreme Court confirms there was no fraud on the Saudis. It was a voluntary overpayment, which was diverted under their direction to those people which supported their policy (Saudi policy) during the Gulf War and later on."
***Tilson (vice-chair, CPC) wants a point of order***
Szabo (chair, LPC): Mr. Tilson, state the nature of your Point of Order.
Tilson (vice-chair, CPC): (to Szabo) You offered Mr. Schreiber to make a statement, this meeting is already 45 min along; are you telling Mr. Schreiber that he can read letters for the rest of the meeting or will you put a time limit on his opening statement like you do for other witnesses?
11:46 AM
Szabo (chair, LPC): that is not a Point of Order. I respect the intent of what you raise. We could ask questions all day long and not paint the picture that Mr. Schreiber is painting. It's in the public interest to let him continue. Mr. Schreiber, the honourable member (Tilson) is anxious to continue. I'm sure we'll be as crisp as possible, but please, take time to put what you believe is germane to the story.
Schreiber: thank you. I can satisfy the honourable member. I told you there's three projects--Airbus, Thyssen Bear Head and the helicopters. Last one I have to show...
Schreiber: Last time, you saw that I was surprised when you (gesturing to the NDP) read figures that I gave to other Canadian parties. I have to tell you again I don't have the smallest clue what you were talking about. But I think I saw a press article, got an understanding...for e.g. Thyssen Bear Head industries, the secretary of TBH is Edmond Chiasson, a lawyer, who was with Doucet in Halifax. He was a Liberal, his wife (Heather) was campaign manager for Chretien in Nova Scotia and he had these shares from Bear Head b/c I only had these "in trust" for/from Thyssen. In normal administrative business, I was not involved. We have a key witness for all of this, Mr. Greg Alford, who is in Toronto today. He was a senior VP, he handled all donations, fundraising dinners etc. He has cut a cheque for Liberals in 1993 for $10 000 from Thyssen BH Industries--just to make that connection (to the $10 000 mentioned by Mulcair in Thursday's hearing). Mr. Alford used to be a VP for GCI and Moores was like a Godfather to him; Moores had property dealings with Alford. Alford later on also the man who incorporated Spaghettissimo, the pasta company, and later became president of pasta-machine company. So...Alford can answer all questions related to the pasta business.
11:50 AM
Schreiber: Also, I found this remarkable: in Germany, I had to hand over, under this Saudi Programme, 1 Million to the treasurer of the Christian Social Union. To my great surprise, one day this $1 Million "just disappeared." So, the Chartered Accountant and other people "just stole the money." The same happened to another donation to Dr. (Schäuble?), the now Minister of Interior Affairs and now the money has simply disappeared. So now there's this money missing.
Schreiber: In 1993, $30 000 which I donated to the PC party is NOT on your list. I gave it in cash to the brother of Jean Charest for his leadership convention.
Schreiber: yes, Jean Charest. To defeat Kim Campbell. So, I thought to connect this, we have an understanding about the payments; any other payments...then, I had prepared...oooh, in the detention centre I must have had some blackouts...I didn't know how much material I had already prepared as a basis for something like this coming. So, I have here for you...this is my correspondence with Mr. Mulroney (holds up an enormous binder, ~3" thick)
(Schreiber passes on the binder)
11:53 AM
Schreiber: I like that you laugh at me, because I WANTED this to come out (he has a serious gleam in his eyes here). "This is why somebody wanted to kidnap me and kick me out of the country"..."You stopped that, so what the hell you expect me to do with you today?!" (holds up another enormous 3" binder) "Here is all the correspondence with Mr. Harper. Here you go!" (now holds up two Cerloxed volumes, absolutely massive) "And when I sent letters to Mr. Harper, I attached these two volumes...So he has a chance to read everything that went on in this country since 1995 and earlier." (pounding his finger on one of the books for effect) "So now you tell me I'm not cooperative with the Canadian government?! (to the Conservatives) "Don't make me laugh!"
Schreiber: next thing, my affidavit. Give it with all the exhibits. Then, I brought for you...
***interruption*** "Keep'm coming" (not clear who this is, among the CPC)
Schreiber: This is my last letter to Stephen Harper, referring to the Political Justice Candidate Abuse of Public Trust, Germany's Breach of International Law, with all attachments. "So, now I'm somewhat feeling like a beggar, I'm empty, at least for the moment"..."I do not know if it's a Christmas gift for all of you and for Canadians or whether it's a burden. But for sure it will help you to prepare for the right and perhaps special questions."
Schreiber: "There is no other mythical agreement" about all of these documents. (Schreiber says he has 3 lawyers in Canada, 3 in Germany and 3 in Switzerland, laughing). "This, what you got today is a basis and if you're not satisfied...just let me know...One thing is left: the questions from last time. You want it today (his list of responses to last Thursday's questions)?" (holds up his sheets with the answers)
Szabo (chair, LPC): thank you for being cooperative. Understand that you wanted to tell your story. "That's a wonderful Xmas gift to us." "I want to give you a small Xmas gift back"..."just been advised that you have received bail."
Schreiber: (happy to come home to his wife, later tonight...looks very weepy)
Coming up next: Part IV ("'Helpful Donations' and that Dirty, Dirty Liberal Airline"), or Return to Part II ("To Sir, With Love")
Photo Credit: Spaghettissimo (where else would I get such a thing?)

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