François Martin, Brian Mulroney's former chef presented himself to the Commons Ethics committee on February 7. Martin was called before the Committee to confirm or deny reports that he witnessed, "cash [coming] in like it was falling from the sky" at 24 Sussex. The following is NOT a transcript, so quote at your own risk ;) Time-stamps are approximate. This is the second half of Martin's testimony--return to the first half by clicking here: Part I.
The cook, the thief, his wife & her lamp shades
5:17 PM
Martin (NDP): we have no questions for this witness other than to thank him for attending.
Del Mastro (CPC): thank you for appearing today. Know it was inconvenient. Don't be intimidated by questions. Can you tell us what involvement or first hand knowledge you have about Bear Head Project (BHP)?
François Martin: none. Sorry.
Del Mastro (CPC): Can you tell us what involvement or first hand knowledge you have about purchase of Airbus (AB) by Air Canada?
François Martin: same answer, none. I'm better at cooking than I am at that stuff.
Del Mastro (CPC): Can you tell us what involvement or first hand knowledge you have about consulting agreement between Brian Mulroney (BM) and Karlheinz Schreiber (KHS)?
François Martin: only what I know from media. Nothing else.
Del Mastro (CPC): Can you tell us what involvement or first hand knowledge you have about correspondence from PCO to PMO re: KHS to current PM Harper?
François Martin: none, none at all.
Del Mastro (CPC): I'm satisfied that you have no information to share w/this cmte about the BHP, AB or the consulting agreement, or btwn KHS and Harper.
(grumbling from somewhere)
Del Mastro (CPC): No, no! I have time. I'd like to remind the chair, and members of this cmte of the directive we agreed to---examinations of ethical code of conduct, to review matters relating to BM AB settlement...including allegations related to BM by KHS and handling of correspondence between PCO and PMO. Mr Martin, on behalf of myself (??), I'd like to apologize to you for the ordeal you've had to go was most unnecessary. And I remind all my colleagues that they should exercise due consideration when they are doing this to a witness. I have nothing further! (smug bastard)
5:20 PM
Szabo (chair, LPC): Ooooookaaaay...well, Mr. Del Mastro, maybe I should at least remind you that the witness list was approved by the comte in December. (grumbling from CPC) I understand that the conservatives did not suggest ANY witnesses for the purposes of this cmte, but as a cmte, we had a process list, and it was agreed. Sometimes witnesses are misquoted. Mr. Martin has found that this has happened to him.
Szabo (chair, LPC): M. Martin, have you ever met KHS?
François Martin: not that I remember, no
Szabo (chair, LPC): up till 89, you never saw KHS at 24 Sussex?
François Martin: I don't remember that gentleman. Perhaps w/my agenda, menus, he might show up there, but I was responsible for working in kitchen.
Hubbard (LPC): as the chef there, you were responsible for kitchen and looking after guests. You must've done a very good job, b/c you worked so long and people spoke very highly of you. Did you have a budget or how did you manage your activities?
François Martin: I had an unlimited budget-carte blanche...
Hubbard (LPC): (laughing) we had Mr. Spector here. Do you watch this at all? Too busy? Watch news, watch TV about all this KHS and BM thing?
François Martin: I watched 6 o'clock news w/Norman Spector
Hubbard (LPC): when Mr. Spector came, there was a Mr. Pratt who told him to be careful about what he told the cmte. Pratt is a very high-priced lawyer who works for BM. Did you get a letter like that, telling you to be careful about what you say?
François Martin: I didn't receive anything. I would have told you, here.
Hubbard (LPC): it wouldn't be sitting in a box somewhere? (chuckling) (FM laughs too) It amuses me that Norman Spector got a warning. I'm like Del Mastro in that I appreciate your coming, but we had all sorts of evidence about money being transferred to 24 Sussex and they alluded to fact that someone was bringing cash over. Mr. Spector even left accounts here showing some of that money spent on lamp-shades--nearly every week they bought a new lamp-shade! (HUH?! That's some hard partyin'!). A lot of covers, and so on...lot of damages...when you worked there, did you have any evidence of wild parties and things being broken?
François Martin: No.
Hubbard (LPC): want to thank you for coming and glad you have a good job where you are.
5:25 PM
Ménard (BQ): Just one question. I think everyone's curious: did you ever meet Stevie Cameron?
François Martin: yes
Ménard (BQ): did you ever speak to her?
François Martin: yes
Ménard (BQ): did you tell her what had happened?
François Martin: yes
Ménard (BQ): what you told that what she wrote?
François Martin: no. What I said today was true. She turned what I told her into prose.
Ménard (BQ): well, I wouldn't call that prose when you talk about numerous envelopes of money, that's not what you've told us today. You said it happened only once. That's what you told Stevie Cameron?
François Martin: yes. Told her I had 1500 petty cash and that I'd also gone to pick up envelope from Fred Doucet's office.
Ménard (BQ): so you must have been very astonished by what she'd written
François Martin: yes, I was.
Ménard (BQ): she was lying, then?
François Martin: she certainly changed my story
Ménard (BQ): ok, that's all I wanted to know
Szabo (chair, LPC): in December, when we composed witness list, the process was to comm. w/each of received witnesses. Do you recall telephone conversations w/asst clerk, "Julia?" Julia's the asst clerk, and her job is basically to find out your availability and times when you would be travelling, etc. She makes very detailed notes and on review of those notes, the first time she contacted you, you told her you wouldn't come, is that right?
François Martin: yes, b/c I was very busy. It was the end of the year.
Szabo (chair, LPC): the quotation was that "you were very disgusted by what was going on at 24 Sussex and that you didn't even want to talk about it." That's correct?
François Martin: I said 'disgusted'? Yes, I may have said that.
Szabo (chair, LPC): I know you didn't want to come. I know that you were disgusted with what was there, and as a consequence, you worked long hours, you needed to get out of there, and you did. What did you find so disgusting about working at 24 Sussex? I remind you that you're under oath. I don't know if anyone's tried to coach you on your witnessing, but I think it's important that you answer.
Del Mastro (CPC): (angry) Point of Order! How is that related?
Szabo (chair, LPC): He's a witness! (to Del Mastro) You're debating! Not a point of order.
Szabo (chair, LPC): (calmly to FM) Mr. Martin, could you try to answer for us?
5:30 PM
François Martin: I was young at the time. I was 24 when I came to 24 Sussex. And at one point, I found that there was a lot of spending...the style of living was extravagant and the style didn't suit me, so I decided to go practise my profession elsewhere. That's all. I was a professional and wanted to do something different.
Szabo (chair, LPC): It's important for you to be on the record as to why you responded to Julia that way. Your answer seems perfectly reasonable. I thank you for being here. I will excuse you now.
François Martin: (leaves)
Szabo (chair, LPC): colleagues, you've received a document from Clerk regarding powers to call for records. Gives you info regarding our ability to subpoena tax returns, etc. Any questions?
Wallace (CPC): If motion comes up to subpoena, I would like the law clerk to be there.
Szabo (chair, LPC): absolutely. This is just FYI document.
Stay tuned for: Schreiber's attorney, Marc Lalonde; GCI & Bear Head Industries hack Greg Alford; former Mulroney crony, Fred Doucet!
Or...return to Part I: "The cook, the thief, his wife & her envelopes").
Lampshade kitteh adapted from a Birthday card I received from Mr. Kitty (Avanti Press Inc, photo by Michelle Reynard, 2007)
Smug Del Mastro created by moi--including the shitty halo (I don't have a very steady hand with that paintbrush, yet).
Martin (NDP): we have no questions for this witness other than to thank him for attending.
Del Mastro (CPC): thank you for appearing today. Know it was inconvenient. Don't be intimidated by questions. Can you tell us what involvement or first hand knowledge you have about Bear Head Project (BHP)?
François Martin: none. Sorry.
Del Mastro (CPC): Can you tell us what involvement or first hand knowledge you have about purchase of Airbus (AB) by Air Canada?
François Martin: same answer, none. I'm better at cooking than I am at that stuff.
Del Mastro (CPC): Can you tell us what involvement or first hand knowledge you have about consulting agreement between Brian Mulroney (BM) and Karlheinz Schreiber (KHS)?
François Martin: only what I know from media. Nothing else.
Del Mastro (CPC): Can you tell us what involvement or first hand knowledge you have about correspondence from PCO to PMO re: KHS to current PM Harper?
François Martin: none, none at all.
Del Mastro (CPC): I'm satisfied that you have no information to share w/this cmte about the BHP, AB or the consulting agreement, or btwn KHS and Harper.
(grumbling from somewhere)
Del Mastro (CPC): No, no! I have time. I'd like to remind the chair, and members of this cmte of the directive we agreed to---examinations of ethical code of conduct, to review matters relating to BM AB settlement...including allegations related to BM by KHS and handling of correspondence between PCO and PMO. Mr Martin, on behalf of myself (??), I'd like to apologize to you for the ordeal you've had to go was most unnecessary. And I remind all my colleagues that they should exercise due consideration when they are doing this to a witness. I have nothing further! (smug bastard)
Szabo (chair, LPC): Ooooookaaaay...well, Mr. Del Mastro, maybe I should at least remind you that the witness list was approved by the comte in December. (grumbling from CPC) I understand that the conservatives did not suggest ANY witnesses for the purposes of this cmte, but as a cmte, we had a process list, and it was agreed. Sometimes witnesses are misquoted. Mr. Martin has found that this has happened to him.
Szabo (chair, LPC): M. Martin, have you ever met KHS?
François Martin: not that I remember, no
Szabo (chair, LPC): up till 89, you never saw KHS at 24 Sussex?
François Martin: I don't remember that gentleman. Perhaps w/my agenda, menus, he might show up there, but I was responsible for working in kitchen.
Hubbard (LPC): as the chef there, you were responsible for kitchen and looking after guests. You must've done a very good job, b/c you worked so long and people spoke very highly of you. Did you have a budget or how did you manage your activities?
François Martin: I had an unlimited budget-carte blanche...
Hubbard (LPC): (laughing) we had Mr. Spector here. Do you watch this at all? Too busy? Watch news, watch TV about all this KHS and BM thing?
François Martin: I watched 6 o'clock news w/Norman Spector
Hubbard (LPC): when Mr. Spector came, there was a Mr. Pratt who told him to be careful about what he told the cmte. Pratt is a very high-priced lawyer who works for BM. Did you get a letter like that, telling you to be careful about what you say?
François Martin: I didn't receive anything. I would have told you, here.
Hubbard (LPC): it wouldn't be sitting in a box somewhere? (chuckling) (FM laughs too) It amuses me that Norman Spector got a warning. I'm like Del Mastro in that I appreciate your coming, but we had all sorts of evidence about money being transferred to 24 Sussex and they alluded to fact that someone was bringing cash over. Mr. Spector even left accounts here showing some of that money spent on lamp-shades--nearly every week they bought a new lamp-shade! (HUH?! That's some hard partyin'!). A lot of covers, and so on...lot of damages...when you worked there, did you have any evidence of wild parties and things being broken?
François Martin: No.
Hubbard (LPC): want to thank you for coming and glad you have a good job where you are.
5:25 PM
Ménard (BQ): Just one question. I think everyone's curious: did you ever meet Stevie Cameron?
François Martin: yes
Ménard (BQ): did you ever speak to her?
François Martin: yes
Ménard (BQ): did you tell her what had happened?
François Martin: yes
Ménard (BQ): what you told that what she wrote?
François Martin: no. What I said today was true. She turned what I told her into prose.
Ménard (BQ): well, I wouldn't call that prose when you talk about numerous envelopes of money, that's not what you've told us today. You said it happened only once. That's what you told Stevie Cameron?
François Martin: yes. Told her I had 1500 petty cash and that I'd also gone to pick up envelope from Fred Doucet's office.
Ménard (BQ): so you must have been very astonished by what she'd written
François Martin: yes, I was.
Ménard (BQ): she was lying, then?
François Martin: she certainly changed my story
Ménard (BQ): ok, that's all I wanted to know
Szabo (chair, LPC): in December, when we composed witness list, the process was to comm. w/each of received witnesses. Do you recall telephone conversations w/asst clerk, "Julia?" Julia's the asst clerk, and her job is basically to find out your availability and times when you would be travelling, etc. She makes very detailed notes and on review of those notes, the first time she contacted you, you told her you wouldn't come, is that right?
François Martin: yes, b/c I was very busy. It was the end of the year.
Szabo (chair, LPC): the quotation was that "you were very disgusted by what was going on at 24 Sussex and that you didn't even want to talk about it." That's correct?
François Martin: I said 'disgusted'? Yes, I may have said that.
Szabo (chair, LPC): I know you didn't want to come. I know that you were disgusted with what was there, and as a consequence, you worked long hours, you needed to get out of there, and you did. What did you find so disgusting about working at 24 Sussex? I remind you that you're under oath. I don't know if anyone's tried to coach you on your witnessing, but I think it's important that you answer.
Del Mastro (CPC): (angry) Point of Order! How is that related?
Szabo (chair, LPC): He's a witness! (to Del Mastro) You're debating! Not a point of order.
Szabo (chair, LPC): (calmly to FM) Mr. Martin, could you try to answer for us?
5:30 PM
François Martin: I was young at the time. I was 24 when I came to 24 Sussex. And at one point, I found that there was a lot of spending...the style of living was extravagant and the style didn't suit me, so I decided to go practise my profession elsewhere. That's all. I was a professional and wanted to do something different.
Szabo (chair, LPC): It's important for you to be on the record as to why you responded to Julia that way. Your answer seems perfectly reasonable. I thank you for being here. I will excuse you now.
François Martin: (leaves)
Szabo (chair, LPC): colleagues, you've received a document from Clerk regarding powers to call for records. Gives you info regarding our ability to subpoena tax returns, etc. Any questions?
Wallace (CPC): If motion comes up to subpoena, I would like the law clerk to be there.
Szabo (chair, LPC): absolutely. This is just FYI document.
Stay tuned for: Schreiber's attorney, Marc Lalonde; GCI & Bear Head Industries hack Greg Alford; former Mulroney crony, Fred Doucet!
Or...return to Part I: "The cook, the thief, his wife & her envelopes").
Lampshade kitteh adapted from a Birthday card I received from Mr. Kitty (Avanti Press Inc, photo by Michelle Reynard, 2007)
Smug Del Mastro created by moi--including the shitty halo (I don't have a very steady hand with that paintbrush, yet).
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